
Step 1 Follow

Who are you following? We have one vision in Infinitum and that’s following Jesus. We believe this should be the central investment and focus of our lives. This isn’t just about believing in Jesus, it’s about making a commitment to follow Him in our everyday ordinary life.


Step 2 Love

To live like Jesus in the world, looks like love. We often overcomplicate discipleship, when actually Jesus told us it simply looks like loving God and loving others. These virtues underpin everything we do.


Step 3 Live

We call these postures, as they require a serious commitment to see them lived out in our everyday. They help refine our character, inform our holy ambitions and vocations, and direct our daily decisions. 

Surrender: This is the ultimate posture of a disciple. It is a person surrendered to the Lordship of Christ.

 Generosity: This is all about open-handed living in a closed fist culture. 

 Mission: Discipleship that is meaningful and intentional in our everyday world


Step 4 Practice

We’ve developed a daily, weekly and monthly rhythm to help embed these postures. This is focused around prayer, conversation and challenge. Use the link below to join a community of global practitioners and begin your Infinitum journey.

Get Ineractive

Some of the best stuff in life is savored in the context of community. Our spiritual depth and health is no exception, so we hope you’ll consider joining us in the Infinitum interactive community on Mighty Networks. This website is a good start, and your Hub will provide your sustainable on-going partnership, but the global community can take your Infinitum practice to technicolor levels of fun!