Register for our first online Infinitum Families Camp Experience


Live online sessions, access to fun activities for you and your kids to do offline, guided learning, and international friendships.

Families who join us can expect:

  • Live sessions online for us all to join together to kick start each section of the camp weekend

  • Packing list including items you’ll want to collect around the house or buy cheaply to participate in the activities and electives you’ve chosen

  • Activities to choose from for the offline sessions with learning, fun, and spiritual exploration for the whole family

  • Guide to camping in your own backyard or living room, with suggested snacks and fun for the sleepover session

  • New friendships around the world, and memories created with your kids



Friday night
Welcome and Intro Session

Saturday Morning
Surrender Session

Saturday Afternoon
Generosity Session

Saturday Evening
Mission Session


Choose an adventure that you wish to take up and is appropriate for your family.

A story, video or conversation that you can have.

Something to make or produce that connects with the theme.